Getting Started with Netsaur


To use Netsaur with JSR, you don't need to install anything. Simply import it in your code:

import { Sequential, DenseLayer, SigmoidLayer, Cost, CPU, tensor2D, setupBackend } from "jsr:@denosaurs/netsaur";

Basic Usage

Here's a simple example to get you started:

import { Sequential, DenseLayer, SigmoidLayer, Cost, CPU, tensor2D, setupBackend } from "jsr:@denosaurs/netsaur";

// Set up the CPU backend
await setupBackend(CPU);

// Create a simple neural network
const nn = new Sequential({
  size: [2, 1],
  layers: [
    DenseLayer({ size: [4] }),
    DenseLayer({ size: [1] }),
  cost: Cost.MSE,

// Train the network
      inputs: tensor2D([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]),
      outputs: tensor2D([[0], [1], [1], [0]]),

// Make a prediction
const prediction = nn.forward(tensor2D([[1, 1]]));

Advanced Configuration

Netsaur allows for deep customization of your neural networks. Here's an example of a more complex setup:

import { Sequential, DenseLayer, ReLULayer, SoftmaxLayer, Cost, CPU, tensor2D, setupBackend } from "jsr:@denosaurs/netsaur";

await setupBackend(CPU);

const nn = new Sequential({
  size: [784, 10],
  layers: [
    DenseLayer({ size: [256] }),
    DenseLayer({ size: [128] }),
    DenseLayer({ size: [10] }),
  cost: Cost.CrossEntropy,

// Train with MNIST data (not shown here)
nn.train(mnistData, 50);

This configuration creates a neural network suitable for classifying MNIST handwritten digits.

Data Preprocessing

Netsaur works with tensor data. You can create tensors from your raw data:

import { tensor2D } from "jsr:@denosaurs/netsaur";

const rawData = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]];
const tensorData = tensor2D(rawData);

For more complex preprocessing, you might need to implement custom functions or use additional libraries.